reclaimed jewellery

Reclaimed jewellery
Sadly, every shore is a treasury. We make jewellery from marine plastic debris. Each piece is unique. Washed ashore in Norway. Seabling is a practice-based exploration of found marine plastic material in the context of discursive jewellery.
Desember 2020 We have selected pieces for sale at Oslossupermarked
November 22 2020, Guest Zoom Lecture/Talk Pratt Instistutute, Jewelry Dept. New York
October 2020, Two necklaces featured in the editorial 'In the Hall of the Mountain King', L'Uomo Vogue
September 1-14 2020, 'Norwegian Bling', Group Exhibition at Sorgenfrigaten, Oslo, Norway
November 2019, Exhibition and Artist Talk, Clarion Hotel Munch, Oslo, Norway
October 1 2019, Panel and presentation at Pratt Institute, New York. Material Modifications: Refashioning Ocean Plastics
July 5 2020 'The Poetry of Seabling' Article by Victoria Hofmo,
3-5 June 2019, Full paper presentation at NORDES, Nordic Design Research Society conference, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. "Taking Care of Plastic: Discursive Jewelry and Anthropogenic Debris".
Feature Article in The Creative Industry Brief "Seabling - En subtil pekefinger". 15.05.2019.
Feature article in The Chromarty, February 2, 2019. "We are not saving the world".
February 26th 2019: Talks and Exhibition at Artistic Research Symposium at Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway.
June 13 2018. Article, NRK "Skal bygge 100 m² stor katedral av havplast: Her er fem interessante prosjekter som lager kunst av havplast".
May 15-17 2018. "Precious Trash: Discursive Jewellery, Ocean Plastic and Digital Mediational Refinement".
Paper presented at the symposium "Jewelry in the 21st Century: Digital meets Handmade" at Fashion Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, New York City.
Jan 8 2018 'Every Shore is a Treasury'. Artist Talk and workshop at Westerdals: Oslo School of Art Communication and Technology, Oslo, Norway.
Nov 22 2017 Unconference Programme, Srishti Insitute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru, India. Cumulus Conference "Letters to the Future".

Looking closely
When taking a closer look at every plastic piece, we see cracks, texture, color nuance, differences in opacity and a whole spectrum of material qualities. Forms are generated by a range of forces we do not control. We experience jewellery as an open and interesting discursive platform for the exploration of marine plastic debris. Plastic is a versatile material. But astray in nature it undermines the conditions for life on this planet.